Developing Your Mobile Click-to-Call Strategy


In our last blog post, we introduced Mobile Click-to-Call.  This week, we are going to discuss some components of a Click-to-Call Strategy.

Mobile search behaviour is unlike ‘regular’ search behavior.  Mobile searchers want a result that will help them make a decision quickly.  They are on-the-go, multitasking, and ready to make instant decisions.  Here’s some stats to show the power of mobile search:

70% of mobile searchers use their phone to search while shopping in- store (Google, 2022)

87% of smartphone users use their phone to find businesses while traveling (Mobile Marketer, 2022)

93% of smartphone users use their phone to look up businesses while at home (most while watching TV) (social media for real estate, 2022)

Up to 60% of business searches have local intent (Google, 2022)

90% of mobile searches result in action within ONE DAY (Google,2022)

70% of mobile searches result in action within ONE HOUR (MMA, 2022)

We know that mobile search is powerful, but before you start driving calls through mobile click-to-call marketing, you need to be prepared with a strategy.  Ask yourself:  What are you trying to accomplish?  Why are you using mobile CTC?  Is your business a good fit for mobile CTC?  Make sure your business wants phone calls.  If you don’t want people to call you, re-evaluate as to whether mobile CTC is the right choice for your business.

You need an accurate way to measure the effectiveness of mobile CTC.  Call Tracking is important, and it is simple and effective; don’t start your campaign without it.

As part of a Mobile CTC campaign, you will need to consider setting up Call Extensions and Mobile Landing Pages.  Call Extensions increase conversions.  Mobile ads with phone numbers have conversion rates that are 6% to 8% higher than mobile ads without phone numbers.  Where are you going to place your click-to-call button?  An alternative to placing CTC phone numbers within PPC ads themselves is to drive mobile searchers to mobile landing pages.  You MUST ensure any landing pages you direct searchers to are mobile-friendly.  Mobile landing pages provide instant gratification, higher purchase volumes, and more calls to your business.  If your goal is to generate a phone call or send them a coupon, then you need to have tools in place that measure those items. Mobile searchers are impatient.  Ensure your mobile landing page is quick and that it does not request a lot of information from the customer.  The whole point of mobile CTC is to get customers to call you; do not ask for too many details, as they will not want to take the time to fill out the information.

Talk to a Mobile Marketing Expert.  Mobile terms are different than a lot of other marketing terms.  You want to reach your customers through all the noise, so you must ensure you have a good grasp on your click-to-call campaign.  A Mobile Marketing Expert can discuss the details of your strategy and get you on the right path so as not to waste time or money during the development process.

Want to learn more?  Check out our post about Local Online Display Advertising to find out how display ads that include mobile impressions can be used in a similar way!

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